How to pay your weekly rent contribution
Your weekly rent contribution can be paid through:
- An Post (Household Budget Deduction)
- Bank Standing Order (Please use this Standing Order Form)
If your rent fails to be automatically deducted, please use one of the following methods:
- Download the HAP App (see our How To Guide here) to make a payment, view your account and download a statement (HAP Recipient and password required)
- Online using the Housing Assistance Payments Portal (HAP Recipient ID and password required)
- Phoning 061-529 654 (HAP Recipient ID and password required)
- HAP Bill Pay Card (issued within 10 days of start day) in any Post Office or any shop displaying the
sign to pay your weekly rent.
Please note you can generate and download your own HAP statement of account online at This web facility can also be used to clear arrears or pay your HAP weekly rent online, if needed.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are paying the correct weekly rent contribution.
Before paying via an alternative payment method, please ensure your rent has not been automatically deducted from your bank or post office.